Don’t get stuck in your own fantasy world

Sometimes it is better to live in your own world than to face the unfaceable reality. 

You can create many instances and different settings by just using your imaginations. Even though it is a form of absurdity, you still want to continue dreaming rather than waking up.

There comes a time that I would prefer to feel the temporary happiness because atleast I can be happy even just for a short span of time.

At some point, when reality is sulking us down, we tend to create a scenario with the use of our imaginative mind, those that contradicts what was really happening in the real word.

We can escape the cruelty, the sadness, regrets, unbearable lies, even the unbearable truth. We can unfeel the pain, undo the things we’ve done, we can feel loved by the person we love.

We are outspacing, we are creating a world where no one can hurt us, where no one can put us into deep heartaches, where we can have relationship even with fictional characters.

Our pretty little imaginative mind is the only part of our body that can create this fantasize world. It is not being crazy, lunatic or psychotic. It was just another way to leave the reality even just for awhile.

Why do we want to leave reality temporarily? As I’ve mentioned earlier we want a escape from unbearable scenario. We want to feel relaxed. We want to be happy.

But why temporarily? When reality strikes us, we must know when to stop fantasizing and learn to travel back to the real world because if we dont travel back, obviously we will be having psychological problems.

If that’s the case, we need to learn the expertise of traveling back and fourth with these two worlds. Don’t let yourself be stuck in your own fantasize world. As much as possible try to bear the pain. It is better to face reality rather than running or hiding from it.

Be brave enough to accept the truth and scrutinize the lies. We are human beings, we are here in this world for a purpose, if we encounter such destructible phenomena learn to live with it. Just live your life and be strong enough to overcome your fears.

It is okay if you create such worlds but don’t you dare lived there. Just make it your hanging out place in times of confusion. 

Make it your hospital, so when you are sick and tired of the happenings in your life you can go there and rest for awhile, but as when in reality we do not want to stay long on hospitals right? So we need to get back as fast as we can. You do not want to be in a coma right?

In real world life is the most precious thing but, creating your own world may somehow get your life. So beware.

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